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Install OpenStack - DevStack into Ubuntu VM

2K views · Aug 5, 2022
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This is basic test for your DevStack lab. You can install Devstack into a Ubuntu Virtual machine and test it at home. Steps; 1. Prepare Ubuntu VM: This Ubuntu Virtual machine will need at least 12G memory and 100G hard drive. I have given my OpenStack VM 16G memory and 120G hard drive for testing. 2. Update System and change sources.list file: You may want to remove or comment cdrom entry from your default installed Ubuntu sources.list. sudo apt-get update ​sudo apt-get upgrade 3. Install git and clone Devstack to local sudo apt-get install git cd / ​sudo git clone master 4. Prepare to install Devstack 4.1 copy a sample configuration file to use for installation cd /master ​sudo cp samples/local.conf local.conf sudo nano local.conf Search for the password variable section and ensure it reflects the following (YOURPASSWORD is the actual password you want to use): 4.2 Create a new user 'stack' and change master folder permission to this new user We can use a pre-installed script to create a new user for devstack. The command to run this script is: sudo /devstack/tools/ Once the script completes, you'll need to change the permissions of the master folder with the command: sudo chown -R stack:stack /master 5. Start DevStack installation: This must be run as the stack user. lets change current user to our new created user - stack. sudo su stack Final command to start installation: ./ Then it is a long time to wait, more than 45 minutes for me. At the end, once you see following output, your DevStack installation is successful. Related post: Subscribe me: ======================================================= Recording IT life Blog:
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