Opne GNS3. Click on FIle> Import ApplianceDownload Appliance. You can find list and download link bottom of this page.Select File and Click on Download. It’ll redirect you to Google Drive.
After Download the file from Google Drive, click onRefresh. You can find status “Ready to install”. Now Select Appliance and Click on NEXT>FINISH.
If you get Download Quota error for downloading than Add file to your gdrive and use RaiDrive or Filezilla Pro.
How to Connect GNS3vm Lite/Prolite/Ultimate with GNS3 using VMware
There are so many ways to connect GNS3 with VMware (GNS3vm) but here I’m going to explain to you the easiest way. Please follow this step by step.
Step 1 : Please Download GNS3 Lite/Prolite/Ultimate zip file.
Step 2 : Extract zip file using winrar, winzip or 7z (my choice).
Step 3 : You can find 2 files after Extract zip file. 1. GNS3-2.2.5-all-in-one-regular.exe 2. GNS3 VM.ova
Install GNS3-2.2.5-all-in-one-regular.exe
Step 4 : Open vmware workstation or vmware fusion
Step 5 : Go to File > Open or press Ctrl + O and select GNS3 VM.ova which you extracted in step 3.
The important process takes some time. It depends on your version. It’ll take 2 to 10 Minutes
Step 6 : Edit GNS3vm resources according to your need. And Save your settings.
Step 7 : Turn on/Power On your GNS3vm machine.
Step 8 : Find your GNS3vm IP Address from Here and remember the address.
Step 9 : Open GNS3 Software and Go to Edit > Preferences > Servers > Main Server
*Remove tick (deselect) “Enable Local Server”. *Enter your GNS3vm’s IP Address which you find in step 8. *Remove tick (Deselect) “Auth” and Clear User and Password field. Apply Ok
You can now Find theMain Server in Servers Summary.
And It’s Done. Go to File and Create New Project.
So guys if you have any problems, please comment here. We’ll try to clear your issue regarding GNS3.
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