This post is to introduce a docker image which can give you a simple and easy way to create your own bookmark navigation website. It is based on XiaoZ blog’s onenav. I made a translation for most of web pages and saved into my own docker hub image repository. Still working on but would like to share this excellent Bookmark Management tools to you. 

    Onenav has following features:

    • Support background management
    • Support private link
    • Supports batch import of bookmarks
    • Support multiple theme styles (2 sets of templates are built in by default)
    • Support automatic identification of link information
    • Support API

    Original Github :
    You can find more information from the Github page. This post will focus on deployment process and how to use Portainer to do that, also how to integrate with own domain which is managed by Cloudflare. 

    You will need to install Docker and Docker Compose first. Get system update & upgrade it as well. It is also your choice to have portainer installed to manage your Dockers. 

    Please check post:

    Here are some commands we will need to use: (using Ubuntu 20.04 as an example)

    Check System Public IP:

    [root@OCP1-Ubuntu ~]# curl
    Update system to latest:

     [root@OCP1-Ubuntu ~]# apt upgrade -y && apt update -y

    If your host environment memory is less than 1GB, you might also want to add 1024MB swap file size using following command:
    wget && bash
    Install Docker on Ubuntu 20.04:

    #Ubuntu 20.04
    sudo apt install
    Install Docker Compose on Ubuntu 20.04:

    #Ubuntu 20.04
    sudo apt install docker-compose
    Make following firewall ports opened on your VPS’s firewall: 80, 443, 8100, 9000. Port 8100 and 9000 can be closed after completed deployment. 

    Deploy it Using Portainer

    Portainer Installation

    Please make sure your VPS’s firewall port 80, 443 and 9000 has been opened. We can close 9000 later.

    [root@OCP1-CentOS8-Aria-Rclone-Portainer ~]# docker volume create portainer_data
    [root@OCP1-CentOS8-Aria-Rclone-Portainer ~]# docker run -d -p 9000:9000 --name portainer --restart always -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v portainer_data:/data portainer/portainer-ce:latest
    Verify Portainer from Internet by visiting http://<VPS’s Public IP>:9000

    Create your own bridge network, and let all of your containers join into it.

    Using Portainer to Deploy

    Docker Run Deployment

    You also can use Docker Run Command to deploy it from command line. You can use your own port to replace 8100, and use your own username and password to replace those configuration in the command.

    docker run -itd --name="onenav" -p 8100:80 \
        -e USER='admin' -e PASSWORD='password' \
        -v /data/onenav:/data/wwwroot/default/data \
    If you have your own bridge network created before, you can use following command to join your own bridge network:
    docker run -itd --name="onenav" -p 8100:80 \
        -e USER='admin' -e PASSWORD='password' \
        -v /data/onenav:/data/wwwroot/default/data \
        --network mybridge
    Dockerhub image is the one I created with WebUI and admin page already translated from Chinese to English : johnyan2/51nav

    Cloudflare DNS Configuration

    From your DNS management platform , add one A record with ip address pointing to your VPS’s ip. 

    Nginx Reverse Proxy Configuration

    Use Portainer to install Nginx and make sure Nginx’s network joined into the one same as Portainer and other containers, which is not default bridge network.

    Configure Nginx as Reverse Proxy

    Connect into Nginx console from Portainer portal or command: docker exec -it nginx bin/bash. or docker exec -it nginx sh

    root@ba4a30ab7371:/# apt update -y && apt install nano -y
    nano /etc/nginx/conf.d/bookmarkconf

    server {
        listen       80;
    location / {
        proxy_pass       http://onenav;
        proxy_http_version         1.1;
        proxy_read_timeout 300;
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
        proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header X-Real-PORT $remote_port;

    Enable HTTPS

    Connect into Nginx console from Portainer portal or command: docker exec -it nginx bin/bash

    apt update
    apt install certbot python-certbot-nginx
    certbot --nginx
    Run Certbot to configure Nginx 

    root@ba4a30ab7371:/# certbot --nginx


    Frontend web GUI:

    Backend admin page:


    from Blogger

    By Jon

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