We always can share Compute Engine images, snapshots, and disks with other users outside of your project or organization. Basically users with read access to those resources can use them to complete operations in other projects and organizations. For example, if you grant a user read access to an image or snapshot in your project, they can use those resources to create persistent disks in their own projects.
Here is detailed steps how to share GCP (Google Cloud Platform) compute engine image cross user accounts and projects.
1. Log into your GCP
2. Create a new image from Compute Engine ‘s images menu
3. Share Project with other users in IAM
4. Accept Google Developers Console project invitation
5. Confirm project and image in another GCP account and activate Google Cloud Share.
6. Use Google Cloud Share command to copy image from one project to another project
Note: Use project_id in the command , not project name.
johnyan_ca@sec-2-21000:~$ gcloud compute images list --project macro-key-14516 NAME PROJECT FAMILY DEPRECATED STATUS centos-6-v20180716 centos-cloud centos-6 READY centos-7-v20180716 centos-cloud centos-7 READY
........................ sql-2017-express-windows-2016-dc-v20180710 windows-sql-cloud sql-exp-2017-win-2016 READY sql-2017-standard-windows-2016-dc-v20180710 windows-sql-cloud sql-std-2017-win-2016 READY sql-2017-web-windows-2016-dc-v20180710 windows-sql-cloud sql-web-2017-win-2016 READY johnyan_ca@sec-2-21000:~$ gcloud projects list PROJECT_ID NAME PROJECT_NUMBER macro-key-14516 51Sec-GCP-1 1080804179409 sec-2-21000 51sec2 335678927754 johnyan_ca@sec-2-21000:~$ gcloud compute --project=sec-2-21000 images create image-2 --source-image=image-1-51sec-original --source-image-project=macro-key-14516 Created [https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/sec-2-213000/global/images/image-2]. NAME PROJECT FAMILY DEPRECATED STATUS image-2 sec-2-21000 READY johnyan_ca@sec-2-21000:~$
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