I has been busy in found a real vpn service which can encrypted your Internet activities from home or office. Mostly what I found a proxy or paid service which I already listed on previous posts. Happily announced here, in our world, there is real free online vpn service provider – proXPN.com . I am a little bit concern how this going to break our security policy and make it become a new security breach. Basically, it will auto-detect three ports opened by your firewall, tcp 80, tcp 443 and tcp8080, which are already opened by almost all firewalls to allow internet browsing.
This site give you a public ip from US which is only option from basic account (free service). But you will get more option once paid a little money monthly.
Your IP Address Is: 173.0.116

thats screenshot how to get your free account. Please make sure you will select basic account service which will not charge you anything.

Thats amazing.
all steps are listed on their website. Please check this site out and let me know if there is any issue.